Number/percentage of KM outputs guided by relevant theory

Indicator Number: 


Logic Model Component: 

Data Type(s): 
Count, proportion, qualitative
Short Definition: 
Captures the instances where the theory—whether a KM or other relevant theory—is used to guide the development of KM outputs
Definition and Explanation (Long): 
This indicator captures the number of instances that theory—whether KM theory or another relevant theory—to guide the development of KM outputs. Theory is “a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that present a systematic view of events or situations by specifying relations among variables, in order to explain and predict the events or situations” (Glanz et al., 2008).
Data Requirements: 
Self-report of number of KM outputs guided by theories, name/type of theory used.
Data Sources: 
Programmatic records, including planning/design records
Frequency of Data Collection: 
Theories and models are essential for planning a number of public health activities, including KM. Since they are conceptual tools that have been developed, improved, and refined, they can help guide the systematic planning and implementation of programs, strategies, and activities (Ohio University/C-Change, 2011). Theory can provide structure on which to build a KM project or activity, particularly if you choose a theory based on the outcomes you hope to achieve. The application of relevant theory can help organizations plan more effective activities, which ultimately help meet overall health or development goals (Salem et al., 2008).
Issues and Challenges: 
Theories can either be more general and broadly applied across a number of activities, or they can be have a specified content or topic area (Van Ryn & Heaney, 1992). A number of theories can guide KM work. Choosing an appropriate theory to guide a KM initiative may be crucial to its success. Since the fields of KM and communication share some goals, and often share project staff, some theories used in KM work stem from the field of behavior change communication. For example, project staff may choose to tailor KM outputs based on the Stages of Change theory (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1984), which helps identify the user’s cognitive stage. The five phases of the theory are pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Another theory useful to KM is the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. This theory proposes that people adopt a new idea/innovation via a five-stage process—knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation (Rogers, 2003). Understanding at what point an intended user group is along this progression can help KM practitioners design strategies for knowledge sharing, learning, and promotion of new ideas and knowledge.
Pages in the Guide: 

Published Year: 

  • 2013
Last Updated Date: 
Wednesday, September 6, 2017