Number of individuals served by a KM output, by type

Indicator Number: 


Logic Model Component: 

Data Type(s): 
Short Definition: 
Captures the number of people that a KM output directly influences, disaggregated by type of output
Definition and Explanation (Long): 
This indicator captures the number of people that a KM output directly influences. The type of KM output should be specified so data can be aggregated or disaggregated as needed. For instance, the number can represent people attending a meeting, seminar, or conference as well as those joining in a virtual learning or networking activity. This number could also represent the subscribers or recipients of a product, service, or publication. The indicator can be used to measure various kinds of outputs.
Data Requirements: 
Quantitative data from evidence that intended users—such as recipients, subscribers, participants, or learners—have received, registered, or participated in a particular KM output, whether in person or virtually.
Data Sources: 
Mail (postal or email), contact, or subscriber lists; registration or attendance records; and other administrative records and databases
Frequency of Data Collection: 
These data chart the initial reach of the KM output and identify which users were addressed. This is one of the most basic indicators for measuring reach. It is a simple way to gauge initial communication of and access to the KM output. The various ways data can be stratified can help profile the user.
Issues and Challenges: 
Supplementary information collected could include demographic and job-related characteristics of these individuals, such as the country/region where they work and their organizational affiliation, job function or type, gender, and level of education. Additional information may also include the type of dissemination or promotion and the communication channels used, such as print, in-person, electronic (either online or offline), or other media.
Adaptation of Indicator for Specific Purpose (Illustrative Examples): 
• Number of registered learners in an eLearning service • Number of recipients who received a copy of a handbook via initial distribution • Number of registered participants in a training seminar • Number of fans and followers on social media accounts
Sample Topics and Questions for Data Collection Instruments: 
How many times have you accessed the [Web product] in the past 3 months? (Select one.) o 0 times o 1-5 times o 6-10 times o 11-15 times o 16-20 times o 20+ times o Never heard of it
Indicator Snapshots: 
The Global Newborn Health Conference—held April 14-18, 2013 in Johannesburg, South Africa, and sponsored by the Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program—counted among its participants 70 senior government health officials from 50 countries. Since January 2012, MEASURE Evaluation hosted 29 webinars that covered seven topics related to the monitoring and evaluation of population, health, and nutrition programs. The webinars attracted 1,228 participants.
Pages in the Guide: 

Published Year: 

  • 2013
Last Updated Date: 
Wednesday, September 6, 2017