Number of delivery methods used to disseminate content, by type

Indicator Number: 


Logic Model Component: 

Data Type(s): 
Short Definition: 
Captures the number and type of delivery methods used to disseminate or promote content and messages
Definition and Explanation (Long): 
This indicator captures the number and type of delivery methods used to disseminate or promote content and messages across a KM project or specific activity. It can apply to a wide range of methods, such as online sources, web tools, print copies, and electronic offline devices. Examples of electronic offline delivery devices include flash drives, CD-ROMs, netbooks, tablets, eReaders, mobile phone apps, and portable audio devices.
Data Requirements: 
Quantitative data on the number of media types used and number of copies of product distributed (see Indicator 15) through each method and different formats for each method, such as ePub and Kindle for eReaders and Android and iPhone for phone apps.
Data Sources: 
Administrative records Creating a spreadsheet or list designed specifically to track distribution/dissemination numbers is helpful.
Frequency of Data Collection: 
Organizations and projects implementing KM activities need to assess the effectiveness of the method mix by disaggregating monitoring data by delivery method; over time they may decide to add/reduce the types of media according to these findings.
Issues and Challenges: 
The strategy to select certain delivery method over others and/or to offer information through multiple methods should be based on thorough understanding of users.
Sample Topics and Questions for Data Collection Instruments: 
How did you first learn about the [Web product]? (Select one.) o Announcement (e.g., email, paper) o Colleague's referral o Internet search o Conference/meeting o Promotional materials (e.g., fact sheet, flyer) o Link from another website o Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) o Other, please specify __________
Indicator Snapshots: 
MEASURE Evaluation uses 14 communication methods to share news, publications, presentations, events and conversations, including website, print and electronically produced publications, Monitor e-newsletter, Evaluate blog, SlideShare, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, webinars, Knowledge Gateway, Google+, and Podcasts. Content from the Global Newborn Health Conference was distributed by at least 9 delivery methods, including live presentations, printed materials, Twitter, Facebook, websites, webcasts, email, Scribd digital document library, and blogs/blog posts.
Pages in the Guide: 

Published Year: 

  • 2013
Last Updated Date: 
Wednesday, September 6, 2017